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visual styles

Our Identity

A brand is more than just a logo. And a logo is more than just a mark or symbol. A logo must work with other design elements to seamlessly adapt across colors, dimensions, and uses. This is called a logo identity system.

The Smithsonian has created a logo system that is flexible enough to be broken apart or used in totality, depending on the design need.

As we roll out this expanded identity system, it’s important to note that the logo mark has not changed. In honoring our legacy, we not only retain the spirit of the original identifier last updated by Ivan Chermayeff but also recognize the historical significance of the logo mark itself.

Logo Anatomy

When the logo is reversed on a dark background, the Sunburst expands to fill the sky to maintain visual balance. The space between the logo mark and the letter “S” should never be altered.

Clear Space

Our logo must have space to breathe, with rules concerning spacing and margins. It should not be cramped or overshadowed by other visual distractions. The logo clear space equals the ascent or ascender height of letter “S” around all edges of the logo, which should be free from other graphics and interference. If there is an instance where this rule has to be broken, please contact a brand supervisor.

Clear Space

Size Parameters

Size Parameters

Minimum print size

To maintain the integrity of the primary lockup in print, a minimum width of 1.5 inches has been set. The height should be proportional.

Size Parameters

Minimum digital size

To maintain the integrity of the primary lockup in digital, a minimum width of 108 pixels has been set. The height should be proportional.